Cleveland connections round two…..

This update on the Cleveland and Northeastern Ohio connection conundrum in regards to locations in my published works is a few months later than anticipated. The marketing idea kept rolling around in the back of my overtaxed brain while my life spiraled out of control.

Our grandchildren stayed with us this past summer. Now both their mom and her sister have passed their fortieth birthdays. It has been a few decades since my husband and I have had to ferry kids to tennis, ballgames, or other commitments. By the time they returned to Houston for school we were a bit ragged and frayed around the edges. I was slipping farther behind my writing and marketing goals.

Early September I was informed by the administrator of the Parma Snow Road Library that my books, “Wind River Refuge” and “Cassandra:Night Shades” had been selected for the Indie Author Conference and Showcase on Saturday November 12, 2016. I had to decide how to handle the local aspect of my work to attract the folks browsing those of us participating in the showcase during the afternoon.

Two weeks prior to the event I found on Shutterstock what I thought would fit the bill, and purchased a large size of the selected background page for the following 6 feet tall banner.

follow-our-heroinesCanva allowed me to upload the Cleveland background and overlay my cover images. The text selections on Canva worked well for adding a blurb at the top.

Well the results proved successful, and I now have both books in new reader’s hands. A good start for attracting Holiday book buyers.

Another update on the Cassandra front: the new laminated hardcover proof arrived on the day before the Showcase. I will okay the proof on Monday, and hope to have have it in time for some of the Christmas shoppers.

Update you soon on special package deals.


Thanks for visiting.

Jackie Anton

Author website:
J.Anton’s autographed books:
Autographs for online purchases and e-books:
Independent Authors Network Author Page:

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