Where is the Best Place to sell your Book(s)?

Not in a Book Store, according to authors’ coach Judy Cullins.


1. If you’re not famous, your traditional publishing support amounts to a possible three-month book tour, billed against your sales.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           And it’s common knowledge that these don’t work well. Your book’s shelf life at Barnes and Noble or other brick and mortar bookstores is about three months too. They often refuse self-published books from Create Space and others like it. And, you the author must promote each book full time to receive less than 50% of the profits.

2. Your audience (who are they?) doesn’t go to a bookstore to find your book. 

They go to browse and aren’t’ sure what they want. If your book ( as an unknown) is next to a popular author, only your book’s spine will show. Potential buyers will pass it by for the well-known name. In our San Diego Barnes and Noble, people bring their Starbucks coffee in to sit and read. If they spill coffee on your book, you will get it as a return, without a sale, and pay the postage.

3. Smart business people and personal growth authors know their audience is online.

They can sell straight from their websites.  And they market online to get their readers to their websites, with article marketing, social media marketing, and with a business blog for the same purpose–at least once each two weeks to stay in touch with their audience. The point of the blog is to build a community around your book. This happens when you capture your visitors’ emails when they sign up for your blog articles. This works for fiction as well as non-fiction.

Your audience wants to know and like you before they buy from you. They will more likely subscribe to your newsletter, your blog, and your free reports rather than get into a car and drive to the “brick and mortar” bookstore. After so many website visits, many will buy your books or use your service.

Want to know more? Read the entire post on Judy’s blog where you will find additional pearls of wisdom, for aspiring authors.


 March 21st of 2014 marks the forth year I will be signing my books at the Valley Tack Shop’s Annual Midnight Sale. 8pm to midnight. 6780 Center Road, Valley City, Ohio.

Stop by join in the fantastic sales, door prizes, and food. Pick out your look for the show season. More on this event on this blog next Friday!